. . . is to solve the logistics for walking portions of the 28 miles of Fullerton trails. Directions to places to park are in bold green font. The walks described have something of a goal, such as a view. There are also trail loops described. There are more than 50 walks altogether. Also described in the text are interesting things to watch for, comments on park use, and some technical material on dams. A few of the trails have history to read about including a slide show on the Electric Railway that passed through what is now the Juanita Cooke Trail.
(Under the Fullerton Walks, above ↑ there’s 3 indexes: click one.)
Other Websites Having to do with Parks and Trails
Nature Hikes
Find the best nature hikes to take with families in Orange County. Many are more like nature walks and designed more for connecting your family to the outdoors. Families can relax together!
In Town Vacations
This website describes parks which the whole family can enjoy as a kind of mini vacation.
This website shows how you can empower your family for fun and prioritize time in nature.
Although it’s geared towards families with young children who use playgrounds, these parks are enjoyable for every age group.
Grandparents can use this site to scout out great places to play in Orange County for their grandchildren and of course enjoy watching them play too.
Fullerton Heritage
Ernie Kelsey is President of Fullerton Heritage and manages the Historic Tours of the old part of down town Fullerton.
Kay Miller is also part of Fullerton Heritage. She’s a 40-year Fullerton resident and a retired Fullerton employee of 30 years. Following retirement she led trail hikes for the City’s Parks & Recreation Department for six years. She calls herself a “history person” and was able to wed her two passions for history and hiking on the Hillcrest Park Hike. She is now associated with Fullerton Beautiful: http://www.fullertonbeautiful.org/home.htm
Fullerton Parks and Recreation Sponsored Hikes
http://fullertoneconnect.com/ (then click on Outdoor Activities)
Ernie Duarte who works in the Parks Department leads these. His email is ernied@ci.fullerton.ca.us. The Monday morning journeys are on the more hilly trails and are faster paced. The Wednesday trails are the more level trails and more casually paced. There is no published days because it is a course you have to sign up in advance. There are a series of hikes for 6 weeks. The cost is $20.